Héctor Arellano • Creative Director

Nissan Presents: Fútbol Forward

Does Technology Belong in the Beautiful Game?

Leading up to the World Cup of 2018, there was a massive debate among soccer fans. FIFA had decided to implement the VAR, a video assistant referee, for the first time in its history. It was this tension between tradition and the future that inspired Fútbol Forward, a content series led by a TV spot that reimagined some of the most controversial moments in soccer. Imagine if technology had disallowed Maradona’s historic “Hand of God” goal against England or the infamous “No era penal” foul that eliminated México from a promising 2014 World Cup. The history of the game would be changed forever. We created Manolo and Alex, an uncle/nephew duo, who personified each side of this hot debate. The series followed their journey as they learned how Nissan’s technology compared to the tech on the field and how it could positively improve the game.

OLV Content Series